consultation is now closed

Gungahlin Golf Investments would like to thank the community for the feedback and insights provided during this consultation process.

Pre-DA consultation on this proposed development on Curran Drive, Nicholls, ran from 29 June 2023 to 9 August 2023. If you would like more information about the project, reach out by emailing

We have now lodged our Development Applications for this project. For further information or to provide feedback on the proposed DAs visit the ACTPLA website

Have your say

on a proposed development on Curran Drive, Nicholls

Gungahlin Golf Investments is proposing to create a new commercial accommodation/build-to-rent area on a currently underused portion of the Gold Creek Country Club golf course.

This development does not impact the operations of the existing 18-hole championship golf course. The proposal takes an underutilised area of the course, and provides a revenue stream that can be reinvested into the operation of the golf course, and creation of additional amenity for the community.

The proposed development will provide a variety of high-quality commercial accommodation options, and seeks to respond to the current shortage of rental accommodation in Canberra. Currently there are limited apartments within Nicholls, and the proposed development creates approximately 700 quality dwellings, located amongst maintained mature trees, with access to communal facilities. It also provides alternative accommodation, enabling downsizers to remain in the suburb.

Build-to-rent properties are designed and constructed for rental purposes, offering additional amenities and community facilities. This build-to-rent development complies with existing zoning requirements and has been located and designed in a manner to minimise impacts on existing homes in Nicholls.

Map of Nicholls showing golf course and development

Proposed inclusions

The proposed development creates approximately 700 dwellings and construction is anticipated to be staged over approximately 10 years.

The proposed development includes a variety of commercial accommodation types to support increased choice. Attached accommodation and apartments will include up to four bedrooms, would be available at a variety of price points, with a mix of affordable and premium offerings available.

The proposed design includes:

  • Terrace style town houses
  • Multi-story buildings
  • Ancillary uses such as shops and communal amenities such as barbecues and play areas
  • A new access road from the existing roundabout on Curran Drive
  • Adaptable as well as fully accessible commercial accommodation ranging from 2 to 4 bedrooms
Proposed stages of development

Roadworks and services

Construction currently planned
to commence 2024


Precinct 1

Attached accommodation development
2-3 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2026 if approved

Precinct 2

Multistorey build-to-rent with ground floor ancillary and multi purpose spaces
3-4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2028 if approved

Precinct 3

Multistorey build-to-rent with ground floor ancillary and multi purpose spaces
4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2027 if approved

Precinct 4

Multistorey build-to-rent with ground floor ancillary and multi purpose spaces
4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2029 if approved

Precinct 5

Communal amenity zone
4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2030 if approved

Precinct 6

Multistorey build-to-rent with ground floor ancillary and multi purpose spaces
4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2031 if approved

Precinct 7

Multistorey build-to-rent with ground floor ancillary and multi purpose spaces
4 storeys
Construction anticipated to commence 2031 if approved

Design informed by community feedback

In 2018 we asked the community what they would like to be considered when developing long-term plans for the Gold Creek Country Club. The community was concerned about loss of amenity provided by the golf course, particularly where it is directly connected with existing properties. During this consultation we also heard that the community valued:

  • Maintaining greenery, views, and the 18-hole championship golf course
  • Quality development in line with the surrounding suburbs
  • Existing and additional amenity
  • Development being undertaken within the existing Territory Plan rules

These values have been reflected in the proposed designs, and we are now seeking your further feedback prior to lodgement of a development application.

Where possible, we’re maintaining established trees, and increasing plantings.

We’ve carefully considered building elevation to ensure nearby properties maintain views of the Brindabella and Black Mountain.

We’re including wide, generous footpaths for active travel and creating new links for movement through the site

Undertaking the development will provide funding to support golf course and club house maintenance and upgrades

Undertaking the development will provide funding to support golf course and club house maintenance and upgrades

Ancillary uses including shop fronts, parks, and communal green spaces have been included for increased amenity

The proposed development provides increased accommodation options to combat accommodation shortages

We’re proposing quality finishes using a neutral and natural colour scheme.

Creating approximately 2.5Ha of mature parkland and activity space for the use of Nicholls residents.

Development inclusions

  • Terrace gardens
  • Communal vegetable garden
  • Barbecue areas
  • Indoor lap pool
  • Gathering areas
  • Communal dog park and wash stations
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • PV cells
  • Cafes and bars
  • Co-working spaces
  • Designated workshop areas for artists and other activities
  • Cinema rooms
  • Communal dining spaces
  • Parks and natural play areas
  • Shared power

Access and travel

The proposed development has been designed to consider vehicle and active travel.

A primary access location is proposed to connect to the existing roundabout on Curran Drive, with slip lanes added for improved access and egress.

Pedestrian flow has been considered with footpaths designed to connect with existing paths.


Maintaining views

When designing the proposed development, the elevation of the proposed buildings and nearby residences has been carefully considered to ensure nearby properties maintain views of the Brindabella Mountain Range and Black Mountain.

Sectionals Diagram showing building height

How to provide feedback

Consultation on this proposed development on Curran Drive, Nicholls, has been extended to Wednesday 9 August 2023. If you have missed out on attending a drop-in session and wish to talk to us further please reach out by emailing

A flyer summarising project information can be found HERE.

Attend the online drop-in session

Log-in at a time that suits you during the online drop-in session.

Tuesday 18 July between 5pm and 7pm

Attend our display stand

Visit us at the Gold Creek Country Club to ask questions and provide feedback.

Thursday 20 July, between 11am and 2pm

Saturday 22 July between 9.30am and 12.30pm

Send us an email

Provide  your feedback by emailing

Gold Creek Country Club plans for the future

The proposed development will enable our commitment to investing in assets and infrastructure for the community, and improvements to the golf course, creating an attractive and welcoming space for the community to enjoy.

This development takes an underutilised area of the course , that is currently a burden on the operational costs of the course, and provides a revenue stream that can be reinvested into the operation of the golf course.

This proposed development will fund improvements to the golf course and club house facilities including:

  • Addition of an activity centre
  • Additional tree plantings and landscaping
  • Bunker upgrades
  • Driving range upgrades
  • Drainage upgrades
  • and potential construction of a hotel.

Planning has been informed by a golf course consultant to help us reduce maintenance requirements while improving course quality and user experience.

A Development Application for a proposed new activity centre will be lodged shortly and then available for public comment as part of the planning approval process.

As we progress with planning, further opportunities for community engagement where appropriate will be provided so you can share your feedback on proposals.

Questions and answers

There is currently limited numbers of smaller homes and units in Nicholls and existing unit complexes are dated. This development includes a mix of housing options from 2 – 4 bedrooms to provide options for those who want to downsize as well as young families who want to enter the housing market. Options will include standard and premium designs, to allow for a range of affordability levels. All homes will be designed in accordance with current ACT Government planning codes and design requirements, including the liveable housing standards.
The development land and assets will continue to be owned by Gungahlin Golf Investments. We see this as a positive investment in the community and the golf course, and intended to maintain ownership long term. The upkeep of both the development area and the Gold Creek Country Club will also remain the responsibility of Gungahlin Golf Investments into the foreseeable future.
A traffic impact assessment is currently being completed to determine the impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding road network.

In anticipation of the overall traffic requirements of the development, a southern connection is proposed to the roundabout of Curran Drive and McClelland Avenue with a dedicated left turn out lane and a shared through and right turn lane to ensure an appropriate level of service is maintained at the roundabout with negligible affect on the traffic on Curran Drive and connecting roads.

Ample greenery, canopy coverage, and biophilic design intervention are key features of the proposed development. In additional to keeping as many existing mature trees as possible, further plantings of deciduous trees are currently planned to increase solar access in winter and provide shade in summer. The proposed development includes, community gardens, and urban farm. Detailed planting designs have not been developed at this stage of the project.
While this Development Application is for the entire proposed development, the site will be constructed in phases over 10 years. The map outlines the proposed timing of the development. Throughout construction consideration will be given to surrounding residents, including those living in the new development, to keep the impacts of construction to a minimum.
The proposed development is within the current lease conditions and zoning for the site. Gungahlin Golf Investments has not submitted any requests to change the Territory Plan zoning of the land, and currently does not have any plans to change zoning.

To facilitate management of the proposed development, Gungahlin Golf Investments is seeking the separation of the existing lease into two leases, and has proposed a change to the location of the development area, to move it further away from existing residential properties in line with community feedback. These changes are being sought as part of this Development Application. The two proposed new lease areas can be found on this image:

To support the project, Gungahlin Golf Investments will be seeking approval to subdivide the crown lease for the golf course, creating a secondary crown lease for the proposed development. This will not change any of the permitted uses on the site.
Golf clubs across Canberra continue to struggle financially and are seeking alternate sourcing of funding to supplement continued investment in club facilities. The owners of the Gold Creek golf course are also working to ensure that the viability of the course is protected. This development provides an opportunity provide a flow of income that will support continued improvements across the course.

While the feedback from the community from our last consultation was generally opposed to development on the course, this is not financially viable and is at odds with the ACT Government’s active encouragement for more dense urban development.

This development seeks to balance the wishes of the community to not build on the existing golf holes, while also diversifying the infrastructure on the site to increase its commercial viability.

This proposed development aligns with what the community told us they valued during consultation including:

  • Developing within the existing territory plan restrictions
  • Maintaining an 18-hole championship golf course
  • Creating a quality development
  • Minimising the impact on existing resident views
  • Maintaining green spaces, and
  • Increasing amenity
Public transport will be accessed from the existing bus stop on Curran Drive at the entry to the development. Pedestrians will be provided a new path connection improving amenity for users.
Parking for residents and visitors will be provided in accordance with the Parking and Vehicular Access General code requirements. All parking will be provided on site.

Parking has been designed to be confined to the precinct only. This is via a mix of on street and basement visitor parking, and resident parking. No parking is proposed on Curran Drive.

A detailed traffic investigation has been completed and reporting is being finalised for the DA submission. The investigation uses traffic information supplied by TCCS as well as on site surveys to observe current traffic conditions. Both data supplied by TCCS and the traffic observations were used in building and calibrating a model of the intersection surrounding the development to understand the current traffic conditions and predicted future traffic conditions.

Assessment of the current traffic conditions identified some possible issues at the intersection of the Barton Highway and Curran Drive. The traffic engineers have been in contact with TCCS to discuss this intersection and will incorporate outcomes of the discussions with TCCS in the DA traffic report.

With respect to managing traffic into and out of the proposed development, an additional left turn lane will be required at the exit of the development at Curran Drive. Timing of the works to this roundabout will be dependent on the staging of the development but would not be required until the development is over 50% complete.

All traffic management is catered for within the site including resident parking, visitor parking, operational vehicle parking, vehicle queuing and traffic calming devices.

The proposal does not include any public or commission housing.
The dwellings will all be rental properties. Rental rates have not been determined at this stage, but it is anticipated there will be a range of rent levels to reflect the different size of the dwellings.
The site is zoned PRZ2 - restricted access recreation zone. This allows for commercial accommodation which in the ACT includes build to rent schemes.

Details of the Crown Lease are provided below:

The Crown lease for Block 14 Section 86 Nicholls permits commercial accommodation use limited to guest house, hotel and motel. The lease provides the following relevant definitions:  

commercial accommodation use means commercial accommodation unit, guest house, hotel, motel, serviced apartment, and tourist resort, but does not include a caravan park/camping ground or a group or organised camp.  

guest house means the use of land for one or more commercial accommodation units and where common or shared facilities are provided for the provision of services such as meals and laundry to occupants of the premises but not to non occupant members of the public.

hotel means the use of land for one or more commercial accommodation units and where the premise is licensed under the Liquor Act 2010. It may also include associated facilities such as a restaurant, bar or functions room, which may be used by the occupants of the premises but, which are also available for use by non occupant members of the public.  

motel means the use of land for one or more commercial accommodation units and where the units are provided with convenient space for parking of motor vehicles. It may also include associated facilities such as a restaurant, bar or functions room, which may be used by the occupants of the premises but, which are also available for use by non occupant members of the public. A motel may be licensed under the Liquor Act 2010.  

commercial accommodation unit means a room or suite of rooms that is made available on a commercial basis for short term accommodation. A commercial accommodation unit may comprise a dwelling but not a room or suite of rooms within a dwelling. It does not include any associated facility such as a restaurant, bar or functions room, which may be used by the occupants of the premises but, which is also available for use by non-occupant members of the public.  

The proposed development comprises commercial accommodation units with convenient car parking provided in the curtilage.

The activity centre is proposed to comprise indoor recreation and associated, ancillary office uses. The Territory Plan defines indoor recreation facility as “the use of land for sporting activities where such use is primarily indoors”. Common terminology for such development includes fitness centre and gymnasium. The activity centre does not form a part of the subject proposal, and approval will be sought via a separate development application.

A separate Development Application (DA202342200) has been submitted for two new buildings on this site to accommodate Indoor Recreation Facilities and ancillary functions including an additional 114 car parks.

The future development of golf facilities is in the masterplan stage. We are working with the operators to ascertain their needs. There will be no loss of services via this development. Again, this needs a fine balance to meet financial sustainability.

The proposed development is for rental accommodation, not a motel as is traditionally described in Australia. We have used the term build-to-rent to describe the fact that instead of being built with the aim of selling to a buyer, or buyers, the plan is to keep these dwellings as rental accommodation owned and managed by Gungahlin Golf Investments.

The development of a precinct of rental accommodation does not fit neatly into the lease and use definitions in the Territory Plan, and the ACT Planning rules do not currently have a clear definition of build-to-rent offered in this nature. Gungahlin Golf Investments will propose to the ACT Planning Authority as part of the Development Application that this type of development is best characterised under the definition of motel which is a permittable use within the current Crown Lease for Block 14 Section 86 Nicholls.

A motel is defined as "the use of land for one or more commercial accommodation units and where the units are provided with convenient space for parking of motor vehicles. It may also include associated facilities such as a restaurant, bar or functions room, which may be used by the occupants of the premises but, which are also available for use by non occupant members of the public. A motel may be licensed under the Liquor Act 2010." *

The ACT Government has a Build-to-Rent Scheme that offers incentives to developers to incorporate affordable rental into such developments. Although Gungahlin Golf Investments recognises the need for more affordable housing in the ACT, it does not believe this site is appropriate for this due to its distance from the Town Centre and major public transport routes. It has not considered accessing the ACT Government’s Build to Rent incentive scheme.
The driving range will be retained. It will change in scale and size with further modernisation and improved amenities.
There are eight stages to the proposed development which is expected to be constructed over 10 years. They been submitted as individual DAs to allow each stage to be assessed and resolved as a standalone development. To allow for the holistic assessment of the development masterplan by the Authority, all 8 of the staged DAs were submitted alongside one another.
The eight separate DAs for this development effectively form the masterplan for the site. The full masterplan is shown below.

Figure 1: Masterplan Building Layout and Stages

Figure 4: Landscaping Masterplan showing large number of trees and open spaces proposed

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